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The World Conquered

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Atheists and Authority


I just have to ask – how is it that atheists presume to speak authoritatively on scripture? I mean, they have such vile disdain for God, for Christians and for Scripture yet they speak as though they are absolutely correct in their views. Since we don’t kowtow and agree with them we are the most mush-headed imbeciles the world has ever known. They mangle and twist, distort and abuse any text they set their eyes upon and claim that they are simply treating the Scriptures as they would any book. But they do nothing of the sort with other texts. Oh, sure, they may raise sharp disagreement with Christian authors, engage in  banter as they would within a literary club and then head off together for Lattes, Sangria and self-congratulatory accolades. But all is just jovial perusal of quaint fiction; no need for contemplation or, Darwin forbid, a deeper meaning. Scripture becomes quite like…

Broccoli. You may rather dislike broccoli because it lacks a certain color. I mean if it had little red specks in it it might be more appealing. And that dreadful texture…why, if there were a God, he certainly would make broccoli more appealing.

Or, in the spirit of  the Dead poets society, will you stand upon your desks (or behind our pulpits) with your “alternative perspective”only after ripping out those pages you deem irrelevant or contrary to your preferred interpretation? This is what is realllly being said, you tell us. Trust me…

Your handling of Scripture becomes like…Chemistry. No competent Chemist would randomly mix just to see what would happen but Childish impetuosity ends with the maimed stating “Well it seemed exciting …at the time.”


Is there such a thing as a competent expositor to you? You repeatedly say of Doctrine “this makes no sense” and then go on to explain it in ways that make no sense to us either bc it’s not the way it should be explained! Yet you would rather have us believe you above those who have actually worked through the doctrinal issues. You’ve never “worked thru” anything in response to a serious formulation. You just say “I don’t get it…I don’t like  it” and dismiss the whole thing and then call us ignorant, delusional morons when we call you on it.

We rebuke our own false teachers as well as you when heretical notions are introduced. Isn’t it interesting that there is a close parallel between you two?