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The World Conquered

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Atheism: Our Default From Birth?

I have heard numerous times the claim from the atheist that the “natural and default” condition of men from birth is atheism until “indoctrinated” into religion. This assertion seemingly works from the “clean slate” philosophy and overlooks the fact that atheism is also indoctrination. A child enters this world, and evidently, whoever gets to him first “wins”.  From that point, the battle rages on either side to “deprogram”.

Our tendency is not to utterly deny the existence of God, for Scripture says all men know God exists,  stated specifically in Romans 1. Due to the Fall, we are born as little rebels against God; natural God-haters. Even when raised in what may be called a “good Christian home” our tendency is not toward atheism, it is toward APOSTACY and it will be until the day we die.

No one, not even the atheist, wants to come right out and admit that they rebel against some known good. While Christians affirm Romans 3:23, maybe the temptation is to say “”True, but now I’m saved. That was then; this is now” implying that our rebellion is over. Sure, we now strive to bring all our ways into conformity to the Person of Christ as well we should. But again, I am grateful to the one who posed this question to me: “If I rely on my conformity, for what do I need a crucified and risen Savior?” Did I only need Him once for “salvation” and the rest is now up to me (with the “help” of the Holy Spirit, of course.)to conform; to obey. Why? Because (we are told) obedience brings the blessing. Christian Sanctification is then based on my obedience and not Christ’s. Remember, it is Christ’s imputed righteousness unto us always and only.

Then we must come under sound teaching. (Titus 1:9…the frightening task of the Pastor/Elder) for our continual tendency is to teeter and totter on the brink of apostasy, rationalizing that “no one is perfect; God’s not done with me yet.” and by our un-admitted indifference to historic sound doctrine and Satan’s subtleties, we become more susceptible to…apostasy. Not outright atheism, for the young boy (untaught) becomes an atheist but is no different than one raised in the church who begins to question, as is illustrated in the video link.

We all have questions! But when the boy abandons the faith due to unanswered questions and claims atheism, or another boy apostatizes, what’s the difference? Is there a qualitative difference? The same lack of sound teaching produced both, only to a lesser or greater degree! Thus the exhortation to “be sober; watchful in prayer” 1Cor 16:13, 1Pet 4:6,7.

Would we be surprised to find that our presumed answer to a certain contention ends in agreement with the atheist? How much of our belief is truly derived from the doctrines of Scripture? Many helps are available, which will correct us in humility, yet are neglected. Are we stiff-necked? We do not expect the atheist to submit to correction, but will we also resist at the risk of apostatizing?