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The World Conquered

Monday, March 7, 2011

The World Conquered. Why have I chosen that as the title for this Blog? The title is a segment of The World Conquered by the Faithful Christian, a work by Richard Alleine (1611-1691), a Puritan author and Pastor in England. In 170 pages, Alleine lays out succinctly and powerfully in what manner our presence and duty upon this earth ought to appear. He opens the book:
"There is a twofold description given of the true Christian by the Apostle John, 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God', and again 'Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, even our faith' 1John 5:1,4

A true Christian, then, is a conqueror, more heroic, more noble, more exalted thatn the greatest of all earthly conquerors, for he has conquered that which has conquered them-the world."

The World Conquered. That provocative title in no way produces any amount of prideful arrogance in us as Christians. While Alleine writes in order to bring encouragement for us in this fallen world, he also recognizes the depths of our depravity and draws our attention to our Crucified and Risen Savior without which we are utterly hopeless. Yes, His enemies see this as a profound weakness - our "crutch" by which we get along in this world - but by the graces granted by God to us who are in Christ, Alleine says 1. The strength of a Christian is his faith and 2. the strength of faith is Christ.

Against the allegation from Atheists that our faith is a "blind" faith and therefore mere wishful thinking, we present the Object of our faith in such a manner that "God...makes manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place." 1599 Geneva Bible